Monday, January 4, 2016

Body is Temporary; Soul is Eternal.

Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence, false ego, spirit soul, Supersoul. The first eight are the total ingredients of our material body. We are all individual spirit souls separate from yet within our respective individual material bodies. As spirit souls we are not material and cannot be seen by material eyes or any material instruments. We are the conscious entity within the material body. The Supersoul, God, is with the spirit soul in the heart. There is one God and there are an unlimited number of individual spirit souls called jivas (in the original Sanskrit language). Although God is with us in our hearts, He is always free, whereas we are in material bondage. It is possible for us to be freed from this bondage and transferred to the superior nature, the Kingdom of God. We will remain individual persons but with an eternal body composed of the spiritual nature. The path to this freedom is called bhakti-yoga or devotional service to Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. 

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