Thursday, April 10, 2014

Protecting Freedom and the Right to go to Hell

Modern secular societies guarantee certain human rights and freedoms. This is very good, but according to the timeless Vedic wisdom, human beings also need to be protected from sinful life. People are acting sinfully, accumulating vikarma (bad karma), all of this being condoned by the state. The result is suffering in this life and after death also. Sinful actions result in suffering for the performer. Pious actions result in material happiness for the performer, but hapiness in the material world is temporary. All here are subject to aging and death. Action in Krishna consciousness (devotional service to Krishna), however, results in promotion from the material world to the eternal Kingdom of God. Under the circumstances it is in the interest of all sincere persons to accept the path of Krishna consciousness. Krishna consciousness means becoming situated in our constitutional position as eternal servant of Krishna, The Supreme Personality of Godhead. Krishna is the original source of everything and service to him brings about transcendental happiness and pleasure. This transcendental happiness of Krishna consciousness, or bhakti-yoga, is the natural alternative to sinful activities.

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